4DP - Gigl live musicplace

Gigl Live Music Marketplace

Case Study - Market Segmentation

About Gigl Live Music Marketplace

Gigl is the virtual home of Australia’s live music community. Whether you’re a music lover looking for awesome gigs, a musician wanting to book more gigs, or a venue or event planner looking to book a musician, you’re in the right place. We’re big fans of live music here at Four Drunk Parrots so we love this free app, and now feel like we’re always in the know for what gigs are happening around us – from Byron Bay to the Gold Coast. Gigl came to us to help with their market segmentation and to get their free app in front of more people.

How did we help


The services we provided

  • Facebook/Instagram Advertising
  • CMO
  • SEO
  • KPI tracking
  • Budgets
  • Email marketing


The Findings

Market segmentation is an essential element in most marketing activities. Knowing who you are providing information, content and services for dictates what you share. And new technology now allows us to do this so much more easily, from Facebook advertising to HubSpot Inbound Marketing we can break it right down to exactly who we are sharing information and advertising with. Gone are the old days of advertising on newspapers and billboards where you pay huge amounts and hope your audience sees your messaging, now we can utilise market segmentation and ensure we are showing apps like Gigl to young people 18 – 24 who are already interested in live music on the Gold Coast on the platforms they visit most frequently – Instagram. This really ensures your budget is being used in the best way possible to reach those really interested in your product.

Then utilising other marketing activities such as SEO optimisation, email marketing and understanding your KPI’s also make sure your target audience can find you easily and are receiving the right info at the right time for them.

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