3 Lessons for CMOs for 2021

Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly over the last year and it’s time businesses adapt to a world where digital comes first. Here are three important lessons for CMOs you will need this year and some handy hints of where to start.

Lesson 1: Invest in digital

67% of CMOs are looking to increase their MarTech investment in 2021, and you should be one of them. Aussies now prefer to consume media and buy goods online. So our first lesson is simple, increase your investment in a digital marketing strategy or be left behind by your competition. Data and tech are critical, but are only effective when used together with your capabilities and strategy.

Here are 6 easy steps to follow to create your 2021 digital strategy.

  1. Outline your goals to form your digital vision.
  2. Define who you’ll target by understanding your customer segments, geographies, and product categories.
  3. Outline your unique value proposition and use customer journey mapping to explore the best way to reach your target audience.
  4. Identify the skills gap in your team and organise training in key areas like martech.
  5. Determine the team structure you’ll need to achieve your strategy.
  6. Most importantly, invest in technology to support your digital strategy.
Graph of analytics for online engagement
Graph of analytics for online engagement

Lesson 2: Be discoverable

Online searching has significantly increased over 2020. To make the most of this surge, you need to be present on Google and other search engines by investing in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Organic search results (non-advertised) for relevant keywords can help at every stage of your customer’s journey, from awareness to decision. This opportunity to engage with your target audience when and where they want to engage with you is why SEO is one of the highest marketing spends, even above paid search advertising.

Here are 3 SEO trends to get you started.

Google search open on a mobile phone

Lesson 3: Optimise web experience

With the rise of digital we are more impatient than ever. Attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter. A wealth of choice means any dissatisfaction with your website, from long load times to poor mobile responsiveness, could see a potential customer not return.
Moral of the story, if your website is slow and confusing, you won’t convert your traffic.

Streamline your website using these steps

  • Shorten load time
  • Improve your mobile-responsiveness
  • Streamline the clicks for the visitor to take
  • Reduce the number of fields on a form
  • Include digital payment options (credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay)


Wrap up

Use these lessons to adapt to the rapidly changing consumer landscape as we all become more drawn to digital. By investing in digital, becoming searchable, and optimising your web experience, you’ll be on the right track for 2021.

Let our team help you make the smart investment in MarTech. Give us a call today to find out how we can help.