Results of the 2021 Climate Council Community Survey

Drumroll please…

The results of the 2021 Climate Council Community Survey are out! As sustainability activists it’s safe to say we’re pretty excited, so get ready for an insightful peek at what Aussies are thinking and saying about climate change.
First things first, what is the Climate Council?

The Climate Council is Australia’s leading climate change communications organisation. What’s that mean? They are an independent voice on climate change. A group made up of some of Australia’s leading climate scientists, renewable energy and health care experts, and a team of volunteers.

This epic ensemble provides expert advice on climate change and presents science-based solutions to the Australian public. They do this by getting climate stories into the media, producing hard hitting reports, calling out misinformation and promoting climate solutions.

So what does the Climate Council do?

A lot! Some of the Climate Council’s biggest achievements (as per the survey) include;

  • Amplifying voices in the national conversation. Through the National Bushfire and Climate Summit, the launch of the Australian Bushfire and Climate Plan, or Emergency Leaders for Climate Action (ELCA)’s work in the media, the Climate Council are ensuring a range of voices are front and centre in the national conversation about climate change.
  • Profiling solutions. From the Clean Jobs Plan for 76,000 jobs to re-engineer Australia’s energy system, renew industries and restore our environment, to localised solutions in Queensland through the Climate Council’s Leaders and Legends report, their commitment to profile and promote credible climate solutions that we know work has only strengthened.
  • Discrediting gas. They’ve pushed back against the Federal Government’s gas-led recovery with a series of critical interventions including the Passing Gas: why renewables are the future report – and through the actions of the incredible Climate Council community, who have amplified their impact at every turn.



Now that we’ve established that the Climate Council is doing good for our people and planet, let’s deep dive into what their 2021 community survey uncovered…

Issues that thousands of Climate Council supporters deemed most important

  • Advocating for the transition to renewable energy
  • Promoting clean jobs and new economic opportunities
  • Educating Australians on climate change and extreme weather
  • Uncovering the economic impacts of climate change
  • Highlighting international action on climate change

How survey responders want to be involved in future Climate Council activities

  • Taking online actions, such as signing petitions or writing to decision makers, to make sure their voices are heard on critical issues.
  • Getting the word out by sharing Climate Council content to grow awareness and educate their family and friends.
  • Engaging in experiences by attending Climate Council online events.
  • Powering the Climate Council by “chipping in a donation” and funding critical campaigns and interventions.
  • Holding decision makers to account by meeting with representative MPs and community leaders.
climate strike

Why is this important?

With over 1400 responses, this survey was a great success for the Climate Council community! Now is the time to follow through by taking action wherever you are in Australia (and overseas). Organise climate change events with your friends, family or at work. Check out if you’re keeping things green in your home or business. Write to local MPs about climate change issues affecting your community. If you want to be part of the climate solution, then this is a perfect opportunity for you.

The climate change conversation is only going to get bigger, and the climate will only become more extreme. But, if we work together as a community we can make climate change our strength and not our weakness.

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