Black Friday Breakdown

A Black Friday Breakdown – With the world going into lockdown for almost a year now, most industries who rely on social gatherings and interactions have greatly suffered. One of the most affected industries is retail with physical store closures, mall restrictions and curbside pick-up only shopping. We all can feel the shift towards online shopping,, home delivery and click and collect. But let’s have a look into the numbers of this years Black Friday sale.

So, how did these retailers handle the biggest sale of the year which is Black Friday? One thing’s for sure, online sales and visits have increased significantly.






Performance Breakdown By Device

Shopping behaviours vary by device and demographic. In the past 2 years, performance has greatly shifted to the mobile experience and the numbers are growing according to the 2019 Nosto data:

  • 61% – 67% traffic on mobile
  • 31% – 28% traffic on desktop
  • 54% order share on mobile
  • 41% order share on desktop


As we’re heading into the new normal and a year where people are staying home more and commuting less, will mobile shopping be everyone’s choice or will desktop shopping be back again soon?

Let’s start thinking about the next Black Friday and how we can make a difference. Contact us now through the below form or give the Ballina office a call .